Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Mission 2030

After five years of process organisation got accredited with United Nation Consultative Status by UN body UN DESA – its the highest global accreditation provided to civil bodies for their outstanding functioning.

W.E.F JUNE 01, 2018

To extend our maximum association with all the United Nation bodies we hold to contribution towards SDGs in following way.

No Poverty

Working for unorganized sectors / slums / villages.

The extreme poverty implies lack of income, inaccessibility to basic resources, lack of education and social protection. To bring reformation CiRG conducted workshop on imparting industry-demanded skills in the slum areas, which will help the poor people to earn their livelihood and fulfil basic needs. We involved the local bodies, informed Govt., and tried developing an ecosystem. Team connected women from urban areas willing to train the women of rural belt on skills like stitching, gardening, embroidery, recycling paper and other items, creating decorative items with waste materials and so on. Nearby hotel was impressed with the recycled paper product and purchased it.

Another movement was to reduce the feeling of third generation curse, i.e. enticing younger generation to pick up family business which can help them to get employed and run family. A small program of how pottering can be a successful business by use of e-commerce was conducted.

Quality Education

An initiative to contribute toward improving research at every level

  • Introduction: Based on the Ministry of HRD (Human Resource Development) website, we are having more than 677 universities, 37,204 colleges and 11443 stand-alone institutions in India (2020). This is an indication that we have a large number of M.Tech /M.Phil, students, who get first exposure of Research at this stage. Out of these students only a few, yet a significant number, pursue their research in a systemic manner for Ph.D.
  • Objective: The System Research Expose' will act as a base in the shape of digital bank of all the M.Tech. /M.Phil., dissertations at a centralized place. Also, this repository, called Research Expose', of dissertations may be subjected to Big Data Analytics for evaluating and framing review mechanism of the research potential and capability of Young Indian scholars.
  • Participating Agencies: All Universities and Institutions recognized by HRD Ministry; NIC.
  • Spin-offs: Research Expose'
    • It will encourage students to understand and express thought processing in original.
    • Plagiarism will be checked effectively
    • Once the student's expression potential increases, it will indirectly help in raising the research contents of the Open-Access journals available on-line.
    • This may lead to Forming an India's own Research Index System ranking
    • This Index System will help in getting accreditation of an Academic Institute
  • Conclusion: The system will help in getting an insight of the potential research candidates, this in turn will help in making the Research Policies, based on the student’s cultural belongingness and India as one culture.

Gender Equality

CiRG believes that sciences can achieve its next level if more of the women are brought in studying sciences. For the purpose the organization has introduced CiRG Marie-Curie Program. The purpose behind this program is to promote Women in Scientific Researches.

  • Women Hackathon : 24-48 hours Competition for women on National and Zonal Level.
  • Geeks in Pink: Promoting female coders to work as freelancers or contractual.
  • Women Scientist: Women involved as Researchers in scientific projects takeup from different Govt. Agencies.
  • Female Leadership: Promoting female to led projects as Principal Investigator.

Affordable and clean energy

The organization is working for the project of converting kinetic energy of high speed cars on highways into electrical energy. This project aims to provide affordable electrical energy to nearby village areas (focused for Sonipat, Haryana, India) or use the generated electricity for street lightning. This initiative will surely help people to access affordable, reliable, and modern energy services in the coming years. The approach used is Artificial Intelligence Techniques & Robotics.

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Introduction: Knowledge has no boundary across different societal strata. Recently Physically Challenged secured a good rank in Min. of External Affairs. This motivated us to develop A Mobile based System which can translate Gesture Language of a person to Text/ Speech to communicate with the rest of the society. It will also help in getting back the gesture language from the Text/Speech from their counterparts in the society.

This proposal attempts to provide a Software System termed as Gesture Communique’, based on Smart Phones, through which a physically challenged person can communicate in Real-time with the Society in any Language.

  • Objective: The Real-time System Gesture Communique’ will act as an interface between the physically challenged and the society.
  • Participating Agencies: Intel, Our Team, CDAC; NIC.
  • Spin-offs: Research Expose’
    • The system will enable the user to higher confidence level, the moment he/she starts interacting with the society in Real-time, that too without any interpretation.
    • Also, at every interaction with the government, he/she will not be a just another problem
  • Conclusion: The System Gesture Communique ‘, will provide a real boost in the Mission Digital India, by covering a significantly amount of population across the country, where society is a mix of persons with different languages, bringing all of them to interact with the Government.

Life on Land

Sustainable Development of Kosi River (Sorrow of Bihar, India) flood problem through waste.

Step 1: Collect the Stereo Image of villages which gets affected by the flood in river.
a) Before the flood.
b) After the flood.
Sources: SRTM data (finding elevation), LANDSAT8 data (data of different band.) Data Classification algorithm, SVM, PCA can be applied.

Step 2: Find the low lying areas, to find the flow of the river. Coordinate comparisons

Step 3: The garbage collection from the cities and nearby villages can be used to fill those low lying areas and make an embankment.

Step 4: Apply the green grass and level the embankment made. Also there need to be plantation of big trees such as Mangrooves trees in Adman and Nicobar Island which helps in protecting from high tide as well as it will help the grass to remain intact. Example: Indraprastha Park, New Delhi.

Problem Solution: This art and engineering can help in solving not only the issue of one village, this kind of plans can be used any part of the country. Based on Geo Business Intelligence we can study the coordinates and find the similar terrain across the Globe and use these techniques to correct the situation. Also, the Solar panel, wind energy can be used to produce the electricity for the place.